
Selana is architecturally arranged to reflect the phases of the moon as it waxes and wanes and reveals different perspectives of a woman's life. In the span of thirteen stories orbiting around the moon, Chloe Veriti introduces women as an extension of the universe, the cavities and curves of their bodies masterfully alluding to the earth's hills and caves and wells. None of the women described here is like the other and yet they mystically contain each other along a hereditary line of familiar physical pain, words that can only reverberate in the lunar landscape of the mind, and exquisite strength that challenges natural law. Lyrically written, Selana is here to expose the unseen joints that have held the female body together since the beginning of time. It then disjoints and reassembles it to deliver an uncanny figure of the world around and within us.

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30% 5.94€
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Barcode 9789605582654
Δραστηριότητα Λογοτεχνία Οικογένεια Πεζογραφία Ομάδα Ελληνική Πεζογραφία Κατηγορία Νεοελληνική πεζογραφία μεταφράσεις Εκδότης Δωδώνη
Εξώφυλλο Μαλακό εξώφυλλο
Σελίδες 94
Ημ. Έκδοσης 12/2019
Διαστάσεις 21χ14
ISBN 978-960-558-265-4

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